JavaScript is too hard. So I'm pivoting... into a cooking blog!

JavaScript is too hard. So I'm pivoting... into a cooking blog!

Ok, here's the thing. I suck at coding. And I don't really like frontend. I have no industry experience.

And let's not kid ourselves, the only job title I actually will accept is that of Senior Fullstack Cloud Serverless Architect, or something.

So, after minutes of soul searching, I clinched a new goal. I flailed my arms up in the air, and with a dry gulp I sighed "F*ck it! I'm starting a cooking blog"

The obligatory tedious life story nobody cares about. In Every. Single. Cooking. Blog.

... Let's just agree that neither you want to read this, nor I want to write it. Moving on...

A recipe for fried eggs. (Because that's the only thing I can cook)

Let's start by importing and initializing our eggs

import {CreateEgg, Egg} from "./modules/Egg.js"

const eggs : Array<Egg> = CreateEgg(2)

You may note that I hard coded the number of eggs, which is not really a good idea. But this is a cooking blog! Quit expecting me to adopt good engineering practices! >:(

Moving on, we will also need some utility methods. The kitchen.js library is really simple to use, and very powerful if you take the time to dive into the docs.

To install it just run npm install kitchen.js. As we will use TypeScript for this tutorial, we will also need to grab the types with npm install @types/kitchen.js

import {Pan} from "kitchen.js"

const pan = new Pan( => e.break()))

The constructor for the Pan object takes an array of cookable objects. Luckily it can cast our Egg object as a cookable with no extra work on our part. Given that it implements the cookable interface. One of the really nice things about TypeScript :D

The Egg class has a really convenient break() method that returns the egg already broken, saving you hours of tedious manual work. Also, we want to pass the already broken eggs into the pan constructor. Obviously.

Before we cook the eggs, note that the cook() method of Pan gives us the option to pass a callback to taste for salt. (There is a Promise version of this, but for simplicity we will stick to callbacks)

import {Taste, AddSalt} from "Kitchen.js"

pan.cook((t) => {
  if (t < Taste.good) {

Note that AddSalt() takes the amount of salt in grams. Be careful! Also, Kitchen.js will take care of checking for salt at appropriate times, so you don't need to worry about it.

Finally, we can think of a way of serving and eating our eggs.

import {Plate} from "Kitchen.js"

const plate = new Plate(pan.serve())

Again, kitchen.js is really nice because the pan object works seamlessly with Plate. Thats because Pan.serve() returns the pan’s contents wrapped in a cooked monad, which Plate expects.


That was fun!


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