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Some preliminaries for studying algorithms! · I want to offer a course about algorithms. Somewhat rigorous, but at the same time accessible. But we need...
Preface: a noobs guide to learning from the pros I was invited to attend the Craft Conference 2022 by my friend Miki Szeles. There's a small problem...
Hey! I can dream! ok? · Let's build a desktop app with Deno. Yes. A desktop app. No Electron. Actually, let's make it harder on ourselves! Let's make a...
Learn with me how to (and why) build a FullStack app with AWS Amplify and Next.js · For the past week or so I've been researching quite a lot about...
Also, a discussion about union types in Haskell and TypeScript · In my previous post I mentioned that I wanted to model my pokedex's interface...
Yup! · This is a post about the basic mathematics needed to follow through category theory. When I say basic math I don't mean elementary math, mind...